- Create the Model
Concept | Preparing a Dataset for Machine Learning
Concept: Preparing a Dataset for Machine Learning
Concept | Quick Models
Quick Models
Concept | Design Tab Overview
Concept: Design Tab Overview
Tutorial | Get Started
Tutorial | Create the Model
Hands On: Create the Model
- Evaluate the Model
Concept | Result Tab Overview
Concept | Model Summary Overview
Tutorial | Evaluate the Model
- Tune the Model
Introduction to Tuning the Model
Concept | Feature Handling
Concept | Feature Generation & Reduction
Concept | Algorithms & Hyperparameters
Concept: Algorithms & Hyperparameters
Tutorial | Tune the Model
- Explainable AI
Concept | Explainable AI
Concept | Partial Dependencies
Concept | Subpopulation Analysis
Concept | Individual Explanations
Concept | What if? Analysis
Tutorial | Explain Your Model
- Wrap Up
Course Checkpoint: Machine Learning Basics
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Machine Learning Basics
Get started with visual machine learning in Dataiku.