- Introduction
Concept: APIs in Dataiku
Concept: The dataiku Package
- Core Coding Interface
Concept: Code Notebooks
Concept: Code Recipes
Get started
Use a code notebook
Use a code recipe
- Code Environments
Concept: Code Environments
How-to: Create a code environment
How-to: Set a code environment
- Variables for coders
Concept: Variables in Dataiku
Tutorial: Variables for Coders
- Static insights
Concept: Static Insights
Tutorial: Static Insights
- Managed Folders
Concept: Managed Folders
Tutorial: Managed Folders
- The Public API
Concept: The Public API
Tutorial: The Public API
- Wrap Up: Code within Dataiku
Course Checkpoint: Code within Dataiku
Tell Us What You Think: Code within Dataiku
Course Complete: Code within Dataiku

Code within Dataiku
Course 1 of 7 in Developer
Learn how to write, run, and debug code within the Dataiku interface beginning with code notebooks and recipes.