- The Interactive Statistics Interface
Concept | Statistics worksheets
Concept | Statistics cards
Tutorial | Get started
Tutorial | Use automatically suggested analyses
- Univariate and Bivariate Analysis
Concept | Categorical and Numerical Variables
Concept | Factor and Response
Tutorial | Perform univariate and bivariate analysis
- Fit Curves and Distributions
Concept | Fit curves and distributions
Tutorial | Fit curves and distributions
- Correlation Matrix
Concept | Correlation matrix
Tutorial | Create a correlation matrix
- Principal Component Analysis
Concept | Principal component analysis
Tutorial | Analyze effects of dimensionality reduction
- Statistical Testing
Concept | Hypothesis testing
Concept | Test categories
Concept | Grouping variables
Concept | Adjustment method
Tutorial | Perform statistical tests
- Generate Statistics
Concept | Generate statistics recipe
Tutorial | Leverage the Generate statistics recipe
- Wrap Up
Course Checkpoint: Interactive Visual Statistics 5 min
Tell Us What You Think 1 min
Course Complete

Interactive Statistics
Course 3 of 11 in ML Practitioner
Learn how to use tools for visual statistics in Dataiku.