- Production Monitoring Foundations
Concept | Process governance for MLOps
Concept | Model comparisons
Concept | Model evaluation stores
Concept | Monitoring model performance and drift in production
- Model Monitoring with a Model Evaluation Store
Get started
Create two model monitoring pipelines
Compare and contrast model monitoring pipelines
Run more model evaluations
Conduct drift analysis
Automate model monitoring
Create additional model monitoring assets
- Model Monitoring Feedback Loops
Concept | Monitoring and feedback in the AI project lifecycle
Tutorial | API endpoint monitoring
- Optional: Production Deployment Automation
Get started
Start with a retrain model scenario
Add a Create bundle or API service version step
Add an Update project or API deployment step
Run the scenario & observe the outcome
Plan for a more robust setup
- Optional: Model Monitoring in Different Contexts
Get started
A batch workflow within Dataiku
An API endpoint on a Dataiku API node
An exported Python model scored externally
An exported Java model scored externally
What's next?
- Wrap Up
Course checkpoint | Production Monitoring
Tell us what you think | Production Monitoring
Course complete | Production Monitoring

Production Monitoring
Learn how to monitor deployed projects and API services in production.